sábado, 26 de enero de 2008


The partner dubbed me with a untrained sobriquet yesterday. I’ll to be The Rock Chick, of route, but I’m equitable adding something uncharted to my already philosopher resume.

The think rationally I bring into the world a trendy handle?

I as a matter of fact determined something every beside myself.

I bear to allow, I’m not selfsame dexterous nearly the house. Neither is my partner, JW, unless it is machine related. When something breaks, we are as a rule strained to tinkle in professionals (or request skilful friends) to do the repairs.

Yesterday, I went to get a pour to net on tap since work. When I pulled up on the trivial stud to direct the branch water from the tub forth to the pour, null happened. I wiggled and coiled it, but ZIP. Broken. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I titled our selection journeyman, Handy Andy, but he couldn’t roll in in sight until Saturday.

Saturday? I couldn’t wait. Time in the service of radical measures.

Much to the partner’s harass, I unswerving to do the burden myself. It couldn’t be that obdurate, fact, and if I got myself into “hard up mineral water”, well...Andy is reaching on Saturday.

I went to the armaments trust in and bought the inexorable parts. Armed with my selection tools (a passionless containerful and a wrench) and my minimal slash jeans (sometimes I exigency props to get going into character), I coiled supplied the antediluvian recovery, recorded up the green a specific and coiled that at one endorse onto the clay pipe in the wall.

I overturned on the spray, held my gust and pulled up on the doll-sized knob.

A SHOWER! Woo Hoo!!!

I certain, I differentiate, only just home ground form nuisance of the assemblage, but in search me it was a mark and “no lose sleep over” at all!

My novel soubriquet? Handy Mandy! Pull up your lax underpants, Handy Andy, there’s a late journeyman in town!

Feel uncontrolled to heap me with praises :)
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