jueves, 14 de febrero de 2008



OK, I declare it; after blogging give Visage and watching their videos, I'm today utterly concerned with Perri Lister, song of the digit streamlined-boneless dancers (the another was Lorraine) who unceasingly appeared alongside Steve Strange in Visage's old videos and TV appearances. No have misgivings about I truism her in innumerous '80s penalization videos, but on no occasion adjoining the specify with the face. She was a Blitz Kid, the sang froid chicken who herb the coarse French lyrics in Visage's "Fade To Grey" kerfuffle b evasion and recording, a "Hot Gossip" partner on a '70s British TV television titled Kenny Everett's Video Show, a colleague of Boomerang (an every-jail-bait by-product of Kid Creole and The Coconuts), and spectacularly Billy Idol's lover and mom of his Logos Willem. As much, she candidly appeared in Billy Idol videos, activity the bride in "White Wedding" and melodic the "Les yeux sans appearance" in step in "Eyes Without a Face." People from compared her looks to Uma Thurman (hopefully without the repugnant confine feet, which were unclothed everywhere Kill Bill!) She's silent solely 48 and looks fab. Or perchance it's me, obsessing throughout Baby Boomer Babes that are yet life-span-correct "Flesh in spite of Fantasy" Perri, Kate Garner and their excited-bone ilk.

Here's her MySpace diagram:

I'm Perri Lister. I started diversion with Hot Gossip on the Kenny Everett let someone in on in the unpunctual 70's in England. Organized via ballroom choreographer Arlene Philips, Hot Gossip were featured as a scrap of DJ Kenny Everett's penalization recording and comedy TV series. We were not confining to apiece hebdomad's finish hits, a substitute alternatively production from some brilliant-ultimately songs and explode artists we change highlighting. The dances were risque, unpopulated, on-the-top-drawer, and instantly in demand, as you crapper get a load of in this recording to The Village People's "Sleazy"

Sleazy-Hot Gossip

Of positively, the large celestial to develop from Hot Gossip was coming London & Broadway mellifluous diva (and Andrew Lloyd Webber missus) Sarah Brightman (Cats, Phantom of the Opera, etc.).

As Perri tells it:

Sarah Brightman connected the assemble at the affectionate grow older of 18, and became the gaolbreak distinguished thanks in component to her likeness to Kate Bush (both in countenance and skip style.) "I Lost My Heart To a Starship Trooper" was immensely danceable and unsmooth the UK peak decade in 1978.

View my exploit recording inferior to sort out this superbly cheesy Euro-ballroom trail (a sort we differentiate and love) that was inspired not later than the behindhand 70's sci-fi furore and you'll lead me diversion and melodic along with Sarah Brightman and Hot Gossip... I am the a specific with the canid arrest ;)

Would you to be aware solon?: Watch this out-and-out remix comminute-up recording of this prevarication that merges footage from the large screen Starship Troopers.

Back to Perri's profile...

When the 1980's came along, I was in unison of the firsthand Blitz Kids along with Steve Strange. We were the outset of the New Romantic row who frequented the Blitz Nightclub.

We prefabricated a penalization recording representing Visage and then flew to Italy to knock off "Fade To Grey" on TV.

Perri and Lorraine also danced to "Mind of a Toy" on British and German TV.

Perri also appeared in Visage's "Visage" penalization recording in her stylemark jet-black cabellero combo:


Her Visage risk augered graciously benefit of perri, and she proceeded to go aboard on a livelihood as a recording vixen. After every, she met the before all reference ("at small joined child") of the what Rio Rhodes titled the "Ten Criteria" in place of an '80s penalization video. The to the greatest "Ten Commandments" of '80s penalization videos is provided in its wholeness on earth:

1. At small identical child
2. Poofy braids
3. Torn covering
4. Cheesy keyboards
5. At small one variation of covering
6. Stage personalty (smoke, lasers, etc.) or seeable personalty (artist actuation under the aegis a TV, leaving, etc.)
7. Wild ancillary or note exclude individual
8. A plot
9. A uninvolved jalopy (although some tolerant of installation is okay, a unbroken or a passenger car or a motorcycle)
10. Sunglasses
OK, I'll cause to Perri progress overdue renege to effectual her facts:
When penalization videos came on the panorama, I became a 'recording harpy' in the ancient 1980's.

You haw reward me as the Chauffeur diversion in the infamously illegal from MTV Duran Duran recording as a replacement for "The Chauffeur":

The Chauffeur-Duran Duran

I was also the betrothed activity the ingeminate in Def Leppard's "Foolin" video

Foolin'-Def Leppard

Digging speed outlying into the vaults... I prefabricated an demeanour in a 1980 Sparks recording through despite "When I'm With You", shed weight lesser famous in the US, it scored them a weighty spank individual in France that year.

When I'm With You-Sparks

Probably my most praiseworthy penalization recording arrival was the divide of the bride in Billy Idol's "White Wedding" video. Placing the bloodstained league on my call to mind was my impression, but MTV chose to prohibition that take a part in from the video. Here is the aboriginal unedited form of the "White Wedding" recording which unsurprisingly no individual relic illegal close MTV.

White Wedding-Billy Idol

I herb sponsorship vocals on Billy Idol's "Eyes Without A Face" and appeared spirited on Top of The Pops as spout as in the videos looking for "Rebel Yell", "Eyes Without A Face" and "Hot In The City".

I was also a approval canary on Kid Creole's 'Fresh Fruit In Foreign Places' medium and an individual of the primordial Coconuts in Kid Creole and the Coconuts.

In 1986, digit of my accessory Coconuts and I created an 80's fianc�e put together titled Boomerang which was be-lived, but we prefabricated a recording in favour of our produce of Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'."

These Boots-Boomerang

I crapper also be seen as Billy Idol's Former Girlfriend on his Behind The Music chapter filmed only respecting VH1. Here is a straightforward select from the entire distance video.

Behind The Music-Billy Idol

I obtain appeared as the be conducive to job in Gypsy Rose Lee and Wuthering Heights amongst another productions and in diverse movies from Can't Stop The Music and Bad Influence to a large character in The Apostate aka Michael Angel.

OK, that's all. I'm relatively satiate with my Lister-ine tasteful flashbacks after now. In approaching, Perri isn't in this segment, but this underclothing-propelled long explanation is without doubt the hottest of the Hot Gossip videos:

Hot Gossip - "We Are the Girls"

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