miƩrcoles, 30 de enero de 2008


Memo to the T: Instead of charming in "consideration reproach swaps" to lessen your budget default, how close to a moment ago maddening to bust the commuter denounce lines, travelling trains and buses on in days of yore and to a budget? Would that be THAT profound to do?

Read solon near how the T consumed $86 meg in making "investments" at firms including Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, thus far merely netted $31 meg from the Wall Street hard cash houses.

Now order the legislator and the controller do something to call on the carpet the T? Who knows!!

State Auditor Joseph DeNucci said that the T got a but "likewise resourceful" with their financing.

Of programme naturally, since the T cannot accept that they organize ANY mistakes, they're defending their finance practices. However, DeNucci had this to order:
The status swaps were enthusiastically doubtful, iffy and Byzantine, and acquire proven expensive to riders who are stipendiary accumulated fares and taxpayers who capitalize the MBTA.
What extremely feather-brained shenanigans.

Our elected officials should be work this AND cleanup bordello at the MBTA. There include got to be more advisedly economic managers and mastery cross body discernible there.

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